“I now feel in control. I don’t worry. It’s not that I don’t spend anymore, I
just redirected my spending on things that are really imortant to me…”
– Louise Toronto

From Renovations to Retirement – Louise’s Story

At 60, Louise was close to retirement. A successful woman in the property development industry, she had an income of over $100,000 a year, after taxes, and had put aside a significant nest egg for her retirement. Her children had left the family home, and she was enjoying a recent renovation of her house. She loved to entertain and often met friends for trips to the spa or a day of shopping.

Despite the perfect exterior, Louise was worried about money. The reno had expanded in scope and had gone way over budget. Her fixed and discretionary expenses were quite high, and over a six-month period, Louise had spent $20,000 more than what she had brought in. At the rate everything was going she would use up her retirement savings by the age of 73 and be forced to sell her home that she had just lovingly redesigned. Tired of the stress, Louise turned to Avraham.

Focusing on what made her happy – her home – he worked with Louise to redirect her discretionary spending habits and began to challenge her fixed expenses. Bit by bit over the course of a few months, the tide began to turn: Louise’s retirement savings were being replenished, and there was no longer a negative monthly output of money. By the end of the yearlong training, Louise had saved over $31,000 and had stopped worrying about money. Now, with her spending habits and behaviors changed, she would be able to retire and keep her beautiful home.

“I now feel in control. I don’t worry. It’s not that I don’t spend anymore, I just redirected my spending on things that are really important to me…” – Louise, Toronto

Isn't it time to get smart with your money?

When Spending Becomes a Family Affair – Richard’s Story

Richard and his family had all the hallmarks of success. He and his wife both had great jobs, and were seen as experts in their fields. Together they earned over $250,000 a year. They had a nice home, loved to entertain and went on vacations as a family. Mom and daughter often had fun going out shopping. They had also started to renovate their home. As Richard and his wife were in their 60’s, retirement was around the corner. But could they afford the lifestyle they wanted?

Recognizing a dramatic increase in discretionary spending as well as added debt from a home line of credit, their financial planner recommended they meet and work with Avraham. When they came to him they were at risk of losing their home due to debt and spending beyond their means.

Over a one-year period Avraham worked intensively to change the spending habits of the whole family: father, mother and daughter. The main thing was to create a customized program that allowed each family member to be comfortable, and change spending habits along the way. The family created immediate and long-term goals, and we worked side-by-side to turn around their negative cash flow.

One year later, Richard’s family situation is entirely different. Previously, they spent $5,300.00 more a month than they earned. Now, they save $2,800.00 a month. (That’s a difference of $8000.00 a month!) Not only are they on-target to retire debt-free but they can have the comfortable lifestyle they deserve.

“I’m proud to say that we now completely aware of our monthly finances, and have learned the difference between reckless spending and strategic spending. As a family, we’ve become a united team.” – Richard, Toronto