I’ll make you money smart so you won’t ever worry about running out of money again.

Do you want money smarts but don’t know where to start?

That’s why I created the 5-Step Money Smart Training program. A twelve month one-on-one program that I’ll get you in control of your finances. It’s methodical, planned and organized, so you’ll be clear on exactly what to do from start to finish. You’ll not only have a written budget, you’ll also have an game plan to take action and change your financial behaviors for good.

My process is simple and proven. No gimmicks. Nothing to buy.

All I need is a yearlong commitment from you. That’s how long it’ll take to make real, noticeable changes to your financial future.

During the year you’ll get my undivided attention and expertise in financial training. I’ll help you get smart with money – and we’ll do it in a way that works for you and your lifestyle.

Say goodbye to debt. Say hello to savings and being awesome with your money.

Money Smart Means:

  • Getting out of debt and staying there.
  • You and your spouse both sharing a healthy financial mindset.
  • Knowing what to expect before you open your credit card bill.
  • Having enough money for the things you need and the fun extras that are really important to you.
  • Enjoying peace of mind about retirement and your children’s financial future.
The five steps to money smarts are:

Step 1 Figure Out Where You Stand – Getting started is tough (and even scary). Putting finances off is much easier. I get it. Working with me means you’ll get over the “getting started hurdle”. Together we’ll gather your information and I’ll do my homework and analyze how to make your finances better.

Step 2 Develop Your Financial Goals & Core Values – I’ll help you figure out your financial goals and how to make them happen. You and your spouse will finally be on the same page. Financial harmony will be the norm. Together, you’ll stop spending money on “stuff” and start saving for what really makes you happy – deep down inside.

Step 3 Make an Action Plan – I’ll lay out a system that will clearly show what you need to do to take control and get smart with your
money. Step by step, you’ll learn how to nail this financial thing. And the best part: It only takes 15 minutes a day.

Step 4 Create New Habits – To become money smart you need to change your financial habits. It’s one thing to have a plan, but you gotta put action into it. With me, you get the ongoing support, monthly reports, and accountability you need to make real, tangible change to your financial future. And, together we’ll celebrate the victories along the way.

Step 5 Maintain Your Habits: My vision for you: lasting change. Things will get a lot easier after the first year. All the learning and heavy lifting is done, and it’s now time for maintenance. I’ll give you ongoing support so you continue to see positive changes in your finances, keeping you financially healthy for the long run.

Never feel left alone
with your finances again.

One-on-one training gets you going and better results.

Action plans are great. But without taking “action”, your plan will collect dust bunnies.

That’s why I walk you through the 5-Step Money Smart Training program. In addition to an easy to follow budget, you’ll also have me in your corner for 12 months to help you take action and change your financial behaviors for good. You’ll get the support and accountability you need to make your budget stick and get smart with your money.

You and your spouse sticking to a budget. Together.

Being gung ho about budgeting is great. But a spouse that isn’t onboard will bring you to failure. All your efforts will be way more difficult (if not impossible).

That’s where I come in.

Step-by-step, I’ll be with you both – through the initial challenges to every following triumph. From planning to progress and beyond.

I’ll work alongside you, to get you both on the same page and working as a team. The blame game will be a thing of the past. Instead you’ll both be motivated to start reducing your debt, saving, and smart with your money.
Let’s call it a financial honeymoon that never ends.

Save tons of time.

You don’t have time to waste.

That’s why the DIY (do-it yourself) thing isn’t for you.

Take your expertise in your industry for example. Just imagine someone else trying to do what you do DIY style. You’re better, more efficient and light years ahead of them. It would probably take them decades of practice to produce what you can.

The same is true about budgeting and getting your financial house in order. There are tips and shortcuts that make things super easy peasy. On the flip side, there are things that make the whole budgeting a schlep and real pain.

With years experience focusing solely on budgeting and changing behaviors; I’ve made sure that my system is easy to follow and that you won’t waste a minute.

In fact, my goal is to get you money smart in less than 15 minutes a day.

Isn't it time to get smart with your money?