What’s in a Goal?

Aug 15

It’s one thing to set a goal. It’s another thing to set a goal that will make you feel fulfilled and happy.

I have seen many clients who aimed for something – to complete a renovation, to buy a new car, new clothes, electronics or to take a swanky vacation but still found themselves disappointed and downright miserable only a few short months after getting what they wanted.

We are taught that goal-setting is a prerequisite for achievement. But how do you know that you will be happy once you achieve the goals you have set for yourself and your family?

Renovating the house is a great idea if it’s done for all the right reasons. So why would a fabulous renovation put someone in the dumps? It’s simple. We set a lot of goals in response to the things we see in glossy magazines or on television. We hear about things on the radio and buy into the “must have” mentality. We end up looking in the wrong place for happiness.

This “if I only had” attitude is downright dangerous. Chasing after things that lack personal meaning will always leave us craving more. Unconsciously giving into that craving, meanwhile, can lead us into a vicious cycle of more spending.

How can you set goals that will leave you satiated? Look to your core values.

How can a Personal Financial Trainer help you?

Your core values are based on what is really important to you, deep down inside.

We are beings who need to have meaning in our lives. Most of the stuff we think will make us happy actually adds little or no meaning to our lives. Only goals that are focused on your unique core values will make you content.

Breakthrough’s Money Mastery Program will help you set pin-pointed goals that align with your own core values. For example, if a renovation will result in space to have more family time at home, it is quite possible that such a goal will be satisfying once it is achieved.

Simply renovating the kitchen to keep up with the latest reality show trends, on the other hand, can leave you wanting more in a very short time. Be careful about how you rationalise things too! There may be very different and possibly better ways you haven’t thought of yet which could help to keep your family close, without the need to shell out a small college fund to pay contractors.

Today, commercialization pushes its own self serving values upon us. Corporations pay top dollar to try to make us feel we are missing out if we don’t buy what they are selling. Nothing is further from the truth. When discovered and utilized properly, only goals that are truly in line with your core values will satisfy you in the long run.

We all know that true happiness comes from within. Have a look there to see what it is that you really need.

About The Author

Hi, I'm Avraham (pronounced Av-Rum.) I'm a reformed spender, financial coach, and the founder of Avraham Byers Financial (I'm better with money than coming up with company names.) In a funny and non-preachy way, I teach people how to take control of their finances without giving up their smoked butterscotch lattes.
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