Watch your pennies. It's not terribly difficult to do, and the pennies, the little things, are usually what add up to big savings over time. I was speaking with a... read more →
The urge is typical. You've completed your tax return, happily confirming your hope the government owes you a refund. Before you've even received your refund in that recognizable brown envelope,... read more →
There are two, very common, hurdles people face when attempting to budget. Unfortunately, these hurdles often go unacknowledged, setting a lot of people up for failure, almost before they even get... read more →
Unexpected expenses are, hands down, usually the biggest budget breakers out there. (An unexpected expense is anything that you did not foresee or plan for in your budget.) A clinical... read more →
A lot of people are under the impression that having a budget, or being able to create a budget, is all they need in order to get ahead of their... read more →
It feels rewarding to help your children. When your adult children ask for help, they can, no doubt, be difficult to refuse. It might seem natural that you would or... read more →
I was told recently about a successful lawyer who wanted to write a book called Broke on Any Budget. He selected this title because, he was broke as a law... read more →